0300 800 1232

Registered Charity: 1164116

Blog posts from august 2017

Financials update - August 2017

Financials update - August 2017

We have had lots of great news and success on the fundraising front since our last financial update in February.

We have received wonderful support over the last year from Pantheon, who donated £5,000 to YYY Foundation in May.

And in the same month we received £19,000 from the Mazars Charitable Trust to fund the building of a new Primary School and Community Centre in Hagam, Sindapulchowk, replacing the school which was destroyed in the 2015 earthquake.

Building work on the school will recommence once the monsoon is over.  More than 70 children from very poor backgrounds will use the new school when it is complete.  We are very grateful to the Mazars team for their generosity.

In all, the charity has raised almost £40,000 since last September, a fantastic achievement. Virtually all of that (98%) is being used for projects in Nepal, as our costs as a charity are minimal.  We are working with our friends at Mandala Organisation in Nepal, who co-ordinate all the school rebuilding work, to identify and plan our next school projects and will have more news later in the year.

Thanks again to Mazars Charitable Trust, Pantheon, Box School, Panache Picture House, e2e Challenge, the British School of Paris and the European School of Luxembourg 1, for their support and generosity.